Favourite Places

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

:: Hartirathpal Kaur's Latest Crush ::

And so, Harti's crushes on mature men continue.
Tha latest crush was spotted by me as I was travelling with Hartirathpal Kaur d/o Juspal Singh on bus 66 towards Al-Ameen Restaurant to meet Siti and Adila. Then we heard the distinct ring of a Nokia mobile phone. What was more distinct and heart-melting was the voice that was blasting onto the handset. It was such a low and hoarse manly voice spouting Cantonese. The deft hand gestures and forlorn look on his face instantaneously melted Hartirathpal Kaur's heart to goo. Here is an exclusive picture of the Man himself. Please do not spread this news or photo to anyone. I do not want to risk being sued by the Man for indiscriminate photography.

Thank You.

Posted by Hamid :: 3:29 PM :: 0 comments

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