Favourite Places

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

~ vanakam vellore! ~

My favourite people!!! Aah missing you all already! Rustom darling cant wait to hear more from you!! Nepal sounds exciting! hope u having a merry time with the rest!
Anyway come come, lemme update from my side of the world.. which is not too far away from yours la actually but anyway! Yes today was our second day in the wards.. but let us rewind back to when we first arrived. We got to chennai at ard 1050pm and took an auto to YWCA for the night. The first thing that struck us collectively was how honking car horns for no particular reason and it seems to be some sort of a national hobby! Another thing we soon observed as we sat holding on tight to our seats, was that driving here really is freestyle!! They are lines on the roads, sometimes, but those really are more of a suggestion. Traffic lights are rare or not working. If present and working, they are often not followed! But most exciting was the abundance of cattle along the roadside! Water buffaloes and goats of all colours and all manners of brightly painted horns and adorned bells roam the streets freely, amidst the stray dogs, crazy speeding autos, brightly painted trucks and people. I wonder if the cattle know that they are in the wrong place, for they seem so at home on the roads!! I dont even know what they are for, some obviously have owners but others seem to belong to no one at all! And you see highly exciting things like people on the bikes with a goat across their lap speeding along the road as plain as day, they make it seem so natural you wonder if you should rest a goat across your lap the next time you are on a motorbike!
Vellore is a nice sorta town, surrounded by these hills that seem to be made of boulders. I have never seen anything quite like it really. Its definitely not as modern as chennai, you wont find your KFC and Macs and all here. But you probably get everything else. We have been having an exciting time exploring the city, they have a really nice fort we spent sunday morning at. Its not as hot as i thought it would be, slightly warmer than singapore but a lot less humid. Which makes the heat slightly more bearable. I suppose it will really heat up in May when everyone else comes to chennai.
CMC is a great hospital. Everyone is really friendly, the staff are great and we been having some good tutorials. In fact when we just walked in on saturday to look see, we met a really nice doctor who whisked us away to the neuro ward for an impromptu tutorial despite us being in jeans n tshirts!! We been meeting lotsa international students as well, lotsa CMC students are also from many other parts of india such as delhi and punjab.
Anyway thats all I have to say now.. and yes Rustom. Crossing the road here is equally difficult, takes a day of practice and nerves of steel! Hope Hamid n Asroe and having fun in TTSH! N hope you guys having a good surg posting at Tribhuvan. Miss everyone already. Take care all, whichever part of the world you may be.. till we meet!!

Posted by YFL :: 7:04 PM :: 0 comments

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