Favourite Places

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Ok i just typed out a whole long post and then accidentally clicked the thumbtack icon and dunno what happened to the post, coz rememeber my stupic lappie displays squares instead of words for many icons.. grrr! Anyway yes i am all high from playhouse. I think that it was just a fantastic experience to say the least. I recall how when me and Hamid found out that we got through the auditions ( that we apparently went just for fun ) we were so terribly depressed and tried all means and ways to get out of it but to no avail. And we ended up having the most depressing busride home feeling an impending sense of doom thinking of how we would not be able to commit. But as we started rehearsals and I took hold of my silk scarf for the first time, i realised that this was gonna be some pretty good stuff. And I am so happy now that we were part of it as it was really an experience to remember and treasure always. So after many a hanky flipping, flirting with any Y chromosomer on stage, bimbotic antics and wearing Princess Leia style hair buns, we finally arrived to today and i think we managed to pull it off pretty well =) And Hamid i think that you were simply excellent... really you were one of the best actors today! So proud of you! Great rapping and swordfighting and all man. It was good fun being in the play with ya! And thank you so much to Adila Huilin and our other friends who came down to support us today! Meant lots to see everyone being so supportive of the M2 play.. was really nice to see the batch spirit today. Which brings me to the M5 play. It was just fantastic la.... its amazing how that even in their final year they managed to put up such a excellent show and displayed so much spirit! Really look up to their batch! Ok at the moment I am trying to figure out how to put photos up here... we took many zany ones today and some got deleted ( so sorry Rustom) but i shall try salvage them nevertheless. Hamid you would be thankful to noe your luscious lipstick pic got spoilt as well =( how sad, nevermind, there will be many other opportunities for you to wear lipstick and eyeliner and look gorgeous. Now that all my "highness" is dying down, CAs has started to bounce into my mind again... haiz! K i will put up the pics when i know how to. Its very difficult when all you see is squares. Till then.. tata!

Posted by YFL :: 10:04 PM :: 0 comments

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