Favourite Places

Friday, November 25, 2005


Hey i dunno how to put the nerd results up but i am proud to announce:

Your Score Summary

Overall, you scored as follows:
1% scored higher (more nerdy), and 99% scored lower (less nerdy).

What does this mean? Your nerdiness is:All hail the monstrous nerd. You are by far the SUPREME NERD GOD!!!

All hail me pls...

Posted by Adila :: 6:04 PM :: 0 comments

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Thursday, November 24, 2005

:: The Shortest Personality Test ! ::

Hamid's Personality Profile

You are funky, outdoorsy, and down to earth.

While you may not be a total hippie...

You're definitely one of the most free spirited people around.

You are very impulsive - every day is a new adventure.

However, you do put some thought behind all your actions.

Still, you do tend to shock and offend people from time to time!

The World's Shortest Personality Test

Posted by Hamid :: 9:28 PM :: 1 comments

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~How Nerdy Are You?~

Hmm maybe this can help us solve our lil debate abt who is or is not a nerd eh?
I am nerdier than 16% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!

Posted by YFL :: 9:26 PM :: 0 comments

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~gambutrol n psychotic-epileptic disorder~

Ok guys, I looked up Katzung, found no Gambutrol there. But there is a drug with a very similar name, Gabitril which is a anti-seizure drug. Hmm and they also state that withdrawal of antiseizure drugs can cause increased seizure frequency and severity. Apart from that tiny bit of info available from Katzung, I got this off the net for your reading pleasure. And in the process of finding this I came across a number of blogs of medical students from Malaysia, US etc discussing the validity of the condition and the existence of such drugs! Quite cool... haha so we are not the only curious ones!


Q.In your review of "The Exorcism of Emily Rose," you wrote, "You didn't ask, but in my opinion, she had psychotic epileptic disorder, but it could have been successfully treated by the psychosomatic effect of exorcism if those drugs hadn't blocked the process."

I have news for you, there is no such thing as a "psychotic epileptic disorder/seizure." The symptomatology of psychosis and epilepsy do not correlate. Next time, please base your opinion on something that the fields of psychiatry and psychology acknowledge.

Jonathan Fink, psychologist, Hilton Head Island, S.C.

A: Scott Derrickson, director of "The Exorcism of Emily Rose," replies: "It's true that 'psychotic epileptic disorder' is not the name of any real medical condition -- nor is the drug 'Gambutrol' real, for that matter. The use of the actual names of recognized medical conditions and pharmaceuticals in movies typically must be changed for legal and copyright purposes.

"To further address your concerns, it should be noted that in the film, the name 'psychotic epileptic disorder' is meant to be taken as a dubious medical term -- one that has been invented by the doctor on the witness stand. And the fact that the symptoms of psychosis and epilepsy do not correlate is pointed out by the defense, but that certainly doesn't negate the possibility that a person can have both conditions at once.

"This is all, however, beside the point, really. I can't speak for you, but it seemed quite obvious to me that your last paragraph was not intended as a literal evaluation of Emily Rose's condition or potential cure, but rather a symbolic acknowledgement that there are merits to both sides of the court case, and that the truth probably lies somewhere in the murky overlap between them."

Ebert again: Derrickson may have been too quick to write off psychotic epileptic disorder, Dr. Barton Odom, philosophy professor at Tarleton State University, informs me: "According to epilepsy.com, there are several syndromes in which the symptomatologies of psychosis and epilepsy do indeed correlate. So your sentence was correct as written: there is such a thing as psychotic epileptic disorder (several, in fact)."

Posted by YFL :: 12:32 AM :: 0 comments

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Wednesday, November 23, 2005

:: Meifang Shock Syndrome (MSS) ::

Important News Headlines!

Liu Meifang has yet again sent shockwaves around the world with her latest behaviour. Check these outrageous photos out yourself. Self-discretion and parental guidance is highly advised.

Meifang is seen posing with the biggest GUYLIAN chocolate box ever!

If you think that is bad enough, there's still more to come! Not only did she pose, but she let one slip right down her buccal cavity! Can you B.E.L.I.E.V.E that?! Yes Meifang actually ATE chocolates!

Posted by Hamid :: 6:37 PM :: 0 comments

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:: Spot The Mistake! ::

Anyone spot the boo boo?
For the first time not made by our beloved Adila though!
Maaf Zahir dan Batin Adila!

Posted by Hamid :: 6:35 PM :: 0 comments

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:: Weird but True ::

I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer inwaht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a
porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? yaeh and I awlyas thought slpeling was ipmorantt.

Posted by Hamid :: 6:26 PM :: 0 comments

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Friday, November 18, 2005

:: What's Your Pimp Name? ::

My Pimp Name Is...

Master Pimp Bling

Posted by Hamid :: 9:36 PM :: 0 comments

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Sunday, November 06, 2005

:: Our Blog Is Priceless ::

I made an interesting discovery today.

My blog is worth $226,945.08.
How much is your blog worth?

Posted by Hamid :: 12:04 PM ::

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Saturday, November 05, 2005

~i wanna be a toy 'r' us kid!~

Hellooo All,
Hmmm highly illuminating that was Hamid, billy goats are fascinating indeed...maybe someone should market their pee if it has such a good effect on them ladies you noe.. That rubbish been said allow me to say something more related to the lil title of my blog. I have been thinking, (and yes i am capable of that tho sometimes it seems unlikely) about what a boring person i have turned out to be. Well actually it all started on Diwali Eve where i was having a very exciting time learning about the fascinating Parvovirus and decided that too much fascination is bad for my brain so i decided to take Twinkle for a walk. So we walked and walked and as we were awalking, we passed by my neighbour's house ( the one who does not like me as Hamid would know) and i saw a whole bunch of kids running around with sparklers and having so much fun, laughing, joking, whispering their lil secrets away from the prying ears of boring adults... and i was suddenly transported into a time when I was just the same. Running around, my hair all messy, usually some dribble of curry or some other on the front of my best Diwali clothes, shouting in my high pitched voice ( k i guess tt has not changed), whispering my own secrets which probably seemed like the biggest secrets in life then and looking so forward to Diwali. Its not like it meant anything significant to me, I mean all the festival of lights good over evil and what not, thats not why i looked forward so much to the day. It was celebrating and what exactly I dunno but looking back I supposed it was just celebrating the company of family and the fact that we could be so happy! And thats when i suddenly snapped out of my little daydream, into reality and realised i was looking into someone elses house, my days of being that carefree kid was long gone. My job now was to go home and continue with the Poxvirus and Rhabodvirus, not to run around in senseless joy inviting Diwali into my life. The saddest part was that it felt just like any other day to me, where did all my wide eyed wonder go to i have no idea... all that waiting and anticipating, all the sparklers, lighting the leaves of the neighbours plants on fire, throwing the sparklers down from the 25th story, moving it in all sorta zig zag movements and watching the light make me go dizzy and the best part of all... throwing the burnt sparkler into a pail of water and hearing its last moments sizzle into the air. I remembered making the solemn promise never to forget what it was like to be a kid, I remember frustrating times when grown ups never understood me or told me that "you are too young, you wont understand" and I always knew i understood everything perfectly... and i remember promising never to be boring, to find hide and seek interesting every moment of my life and to think that masak-masak was the best game ever invented, yet now, how and when it happened I am not quite sure but i cannot seem to connect with that part of me anymore and its sad. All I have are my photos and my lil diary entries that i occassionally look back and laugh at .. well I remember praying once " dear god, Please don't let me grow up, I don't wanna grow up.." but i suppose its impossible not to. If only i could still retain some of that wide eyed wonder....hmm dont get me wrong I am not saying i am matured beyond my years, am far from that i believe! Ah well my lil entry is almost over now. Have a good holiday peeps, see you guys when we get back!

Posted by YFL :: 11:30 PM :: 0 comments

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:: Interesting Fact of The Day ::

Did you know that....

Billy goats urinate on their own heads to smell more attractive to females.


Posted by Hamid :: 1:35 AM :: 0 comments

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My nth Boo BOO

Hi guys its me again...apparently i did get the spelling wrong! which of course resulted in a massive boo boo. instead of wishing everyone a happy deepavali, i wished us a deepavali smelly rocks instead.


sincere apologies for my ignorance...


Posted by Adila :: 12:00 AM :: 0 comments

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Friday, November 04, 2005

:: Jangan Stress; Relac Aje! ::

Exams are going to end soon!
So no stress mann!
This is a negative Ad people!

Posted by Hamid :: 11:58 PM :: 0 comments

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Festive Greetings

Hi everyone,

(i hope i got e spelling right, saw it off a banner)
Enjoy ur hols & dun come to sch on mon!!

Love, Adila

Posted by Adila :: 7:40 PM :: 0 comments

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